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Micro Unit Review

Design a way for a human to pass as a generative AI in an everyday setting.

The Macro UX unit turned out to be something that I enjoyed very much, even if at the beginning, I was skeptical about the brief. I don’t have a huge interest in AI, and had concerns that we would be focussing so much on technology, there wouldn’t be any work with actual people. I am pleased that I was wrong.

This project was a real test of teamwork, as we were ambitious in what we intended to do, both in the research phase and the design section. There were a few group members (myself included) that were more driven, organised and motivated than others, which pushed the project forwards, however for the most part, the team operated as a whole and people contributed where they could.

My strengths in this project were mostly within the research part - I am confident in talking to people, and unafraid of uncertain situations, plus I have a curiosity to figure out what it means. I feel that I could have contributed more during the design phase - I was involved throughout, however I know I have a tendency to be very critical of my own ideas and tend to be a little quieter. I would have liked to have gained more experience in the Arduino coding for the prototype (this was fully completed by other team members) however the filmmaking preparation, shooting, and the photography shoot are all new skills gained.

Overall the project was a success: we conducted and analysed many different research methods to produce grounded insights; we had a concept which answered the brief; the team worked cohesively without any difficulties; and we pulled off a great presentation including a physical and digital outcome. After Macro Unit being very challenging and a struggle, this is what I needed to give me confidence to move forwards into FMP.


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